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#Top Chef season 17 finale: Was Stephanie, Bryan, Melissa the winner?

#Top Chef season 17 finale: Was Stephanie, Bryan, Melissa the winner?

Top ChefThe Top Chef season 17 finale brought you almost everything that you could possibly want. Think in terms of drama, great competition, and of course tasty food.

The basis for this finale was ultimately rather simple: The remaining three chefs in Bryan, Melissa, and Stephanie had to create the perfect four-course menu. There was a lot of creativity here that made it so dangerous; one misstep could send someone careening off the side of a metaphorical cliff. All of them had their own wonderful stories to tell and they did that by and large through some of their food.

We’ll admit, though, that through this entire process, we were probably more confident in Melissa than anyone else to take this whole thing home. She’s just been so dominant as of late and it felt like the judges were deeply moved by a lot of what she put out there on the plate. Stephanie had a great underdog story and we rooted for her, but we started to feel like her story was about her proving herself further.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Top Chef, including details about season 18

What did you think about the Top Chef season 17 finale?

Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Also, remember here to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: Bravo.)


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