
#This handy site tells you if specific apps work on Apple Silicon yet

#This handy site tells you if specific apps work on Apple Silicon yet

Apple Silicon has taken the tech world by storm. Whether it’s people learning about the architecture of the new M1 chip, its performance benchmarks, or even Linus Torvalds wanting to run Linux on the machines, Apple’s new hardware is the talk of the town.

Despite things going as smoothly as in Apple’s wildest dreams most users still have a pressing question: do their favorite apps work on Apple Silicon yet?

Thankfully, the beautiful genius that is Abdullah Diaa has put together a website to answer that query. So, everyone, please say hello to Is Apple silicon ready?

The idea behind the site is simple: it shows you if specific apps will work on laptops and desktops with Apple’s in-house chip. Easy to get your head around, right?

It shows you a list of software and, if they have native M1 support, they’re given a green tick. Here’s an image that shows you what’s going on far clearer than lots of words could:

is apple silicon ready and will your favorite appes work on Apple Silicon

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