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#The Chi season 3 episode 9 spoilers: Emmett, Dom, & Tiff drama ahead

#The Chi season 3 episode 9 spoilers: Emmett, Dom, & Tiff drama ahead

The chiAre you interested in learning a little bit more about The Chi season 3 episode 9? There is a new episode set to arrive on Showtime this weekend, and there are going to be some new issues at the heart of Emmett’s story at the moment.

What do we know at present? He and Emmett are getting set to open Sonny’s place to express their own vision. He and Dom have been working hard in order to make the place great, and that includes now trying to orchestrate some sort of fantastic redesign. They have some cool ideas, but it also seems like there are a few differences of opinion. Take, for example, trying to figure out what the right name for the place is going to be. Dom suggests “Emmett and Dom’s,” but he feels like that’s bad luck. He doesn’t want to do anything that is going to jinx the situation and with that, there’s probably going to be a thought process of sorts orchestrated here.

Here’s where things get a little bit complicated: Emmett and Dom slept together and already, Tiff seems to be thinking that something more is going on here. We know that Dom and Emmett have developed a fairly close relationship — but how many lines have already been crossed? That’s something that we’re going to see play out over the course of this episode, and there could be a pretty dramatic conclusion at the end of it.

You can check out a full sneak peek for everything that transpires here over at this link — just remember that with only two episodes left this season, the writers are going to have to move quickly to establish some pretty earth-shattering moves. You know, ones that give us a good sense of what the next season could look like.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to the next new episode of The Chi

What do you want to see when it comes to The Chi season 3 episode 9?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news related to the show. (Photo: Showtime.)

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