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#Former Ellen DeGeneres Show Producer Says Talk Show Had a “Culture of Fear”

#Former Ellen DeGeneres Show Producer Says Talk Show Had a “Culture of Fear”

Ellen Degeneres once had a successful talk show. 

Nowadays, however, many are former staffers are speaking out about what went on behind the scenes. 

The latest turmoil for the show comes in the form of a new report from The Wrap, in which former producer, Hedda Muskat, is opening up about her time on the show. 

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Muskat landed the producer role in 2003 when the show was still in development. 

She alleges that, within a year, her role was diminished, and she gradually received less responsibility. 

Judge Ellen

“One day I get called into the office,” Muskat tells the outlet.

“[Producer] Ed [Glavin] says to me, ‘You know, Hedda, we’re really loving your segments. I don’t know how you do it. We’re going to need all your sources.'”

“I’ve worked 18 years to build those sources. Those sources are why you hired me.”

Muskat did not hand over her sources, and admits that she “felt a turn, that I was really on everybody’s s–t list.”

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Another incident that Muskat recalls is a staff meeting that was supposed to welcome new employees into the fold. 

She said that Glavin screamed at a crew member in front the entire room. 

“He just went off on them,” she alleged.

“His whole face turned red…We were stunned. You could just see everybody’s faces go stiff. We’re professionals; we’re adults. We don’t need a dog to get us to do our jobs.”

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Muskat said that the show ultimately became a “culture of fear.”

She was ultimately fired in 2004. 

The talk show has not been viewed in the best light of late, with a string of accusations coming to light. 

Glavin, along with EPs Mary Connelly and Andy Lassner, released a statement last month in which they said they were heartbroken over the allegations swirling about the show. 

“We are truly heartbroken and sorry to learn that even one person in our production family has had a negative experience,”| they said in the joint statement.

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“It’s not who we are and not who we strive to be, and not the mission Ellen has set for us. For the record, the day to day responsibility of the Ellen Show is completely on us,” they continued.

“We take all of this very seriously and we realize, as many in the world are learning, that we need to do better, are committed to do better, and we will do better.”

The statement was in response to a Buzzfeed News article that quoted almost a dozen employees who detailed a toxic workplace. 

DeGeneres opened up about the accusations last week in a letter to her staff just days after it was announced that WarnerMedia was opening an investigation into the series. 

“On day one of our show, I told everyone in our first meeting that The Ellen DeGeneres Show would be a place of happiness—no one would ever raise their voice, and everyone would be treated with respect,” she wrote.

ellen goodbye

“Obviously, something changed, and I am disappointed to learn that this has not been the case,” Ellen continued.

“For that, I am sorry. Anyone who knows me knows it’s the opposite of what I believe and what I hoped for our show.”

“As we’ve grown exponentially, I’ve not been able to stay on top of everything and relied on others to do their jobs as they knew I’d want them done. Clearly some didn’t,” Ellen added.

“That will now change and I’m committed to ensuring this does not happen again.”

The latest allegations also come just days after a report emerged that DeGeneres was ready to wrap the show up … for good. 

Paul Dailly is the Associate Editor for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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