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#The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Stacey’s Emergency

#The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Stacey’s Emergency

Stacey is an inspiration to teens with diabetes

The series modernized “Stacey’s Emergency” in iThe Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3 and it worked. Many teenagers struggle with diabetes and trying to get their blood sugar numbers to stay within a normal range

For many of them, it’s a numbers game, just like it was for Stacey. Stacey longed to be a normal teenager so she was so excited to be a cover model for the diabetes foundation and speak about her experience. It meant she’s conquered it.

Stacey at the Gala-tall - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

A gala? Being a cover girl…Stacey, you are the fanciest person in Stoneybrook.
Mary Anne

That’s why it confused her when her blood sugar started yoyoing.

She was used to having normal numbers so when it starting spiking into the 200s and then a few days later going really low, it caused side effects she wasn’t used to.

Liz Wants a Baby - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

It didn’t help matters that her friends, especially Claudia constantly teased Stacey about mature she seemed and the fact that she needed to learn to relax and act like a teenager. Those comments just made it worse.

At first, Stacey felt really out of it, where she was “Spacey Stacey” and couldn’t on the patches they were decorating for the gala or the outfits they were selecting for the fashion show.

It’s frustrating to keep your blood sugar stabilized, especially when you are used to it being normal.

Sometimes, it gets tiresome always bringing fruit juice or healthy snacks with you, just in case.

Keeping Sugar Steady - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

The problem was that having her blood sugar spiral out of sugar made Stacey cranky and say things that she ordinarily wouldn’t say.

Stacey longed to be able to eat whatever she wanted and be more flexible, which made her snap at Jessi for no reason when she was practicing her barre exercises. The smallest remarks put her on edge, and she grew impatient with everyone hovering over her.

Stacey: Claudia, why are you treating me like some invalid? I keep telling you I’m fine.

Jessi: You just look a little tired.

Stacey: Of course I’m tired, Jessi. I’ve been planning a fashion show, designing pouches, and preparing a speech.

Stacey didn’t want to admit that she was having a problem with her blood sugar. I

t meant she hadn’t conquered it like every other math problem. She felt like she wasn’t a good role model for other young teen teenagers.

It was safer to lash out at her friends when Kristy and the entire club checked on her right before she went on stage.

Worried BSC - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

Stacey was a true inspiration to the younger generation. It took guts to admit on stage that she didn’t feel well and needed her doctor.

She’s not perfect and it’s an important lesson that diabetes is a lifelong condition. There will always be good days and bad days with it, and it’s important not to get depressed over the bad ones.

Cheers to being kind to yourself

The message that they printed on the cover of the magazine was very true — navigating the highs and lows of diabetes.

Stacey realized she was a real person and could help others more by sharing how diabetes changed her life and the struggles she still deals with.

Stacey's Magazine Cover - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

It was such a treat to see the adults interacting in this episode in the secondary storyline.

They usually don’t focus on their friendships, and it was sweet to see Liz and Sharon gossip over their relationships.

It was a lighthearted scene that doesn’t happen often. Sharon was positively glowing with how things were progressing with Richard. Liz loved being a newlywed and shared she may want to add a baby into the mix,

Women of all ages talk and that news got back to Kristy.

Dawn: Are you going to let your new little brother or sister play with your hair too?

Kristy: huh?

Dawn: Your mom told my mom. She and Watson are going to have a baby.

Kristy felt hurt that her mom wouldn’t confide in her. She was determined to prove to her that she had accepted their new blended family and was totally on board with a new baby.

Distract from the Bassinet - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

Kristy tends to go overboard with her ideas. She gets one and she runs with it.

She saw a bassinet at the gala, and she thought it would be the perfect gift for the new baby. She didn’t stop to think that her mom wasn’t even pregnant yet. She just wanted to show her enthusiasm and knew only she could buy it.

Kristy appeared almost like a drill sergeant as she assembled her team. Dawn was in charge of distracting the parents by asking lots of annoying questions.

Mallory and Mary Anne made sure no one else bid on the bassinet so Kristy could present her very surprised mom and stepdad with it.

Mother & Daughter Bonding - The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Episode 3

Liz and Kristy’s relationship is one of the best parent and child relationships in the series.

They are both ambitious females, who are fiercely loyal. Kristy learned everything she knows from her mom, which is one of the reasons she wants her to be happy with their new family.

However, as Liz reminded her, she’s not young anymore. Starting a family the second time around comes with risks so she doesn’t want to disappoint her daughter.

Oh mom, no matter what happens, we have this and that’s enough. They hug.

Like many teens, Kristy craves normalcy, especially after her dad walk out when she was little. The thought of having another sibling was appealing, but she’s still getting used to their new family.

Fashionista Claudia-The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2

These seven best friends are a wonderful team.

Seeing them laugh as they modeled clothes showed that they can giggle and have fun and be mature. Being 13-years-old is such a balance, especially when dealing with medical and family issues too.

What did you think, Fanatics?

Are Stacey’s diabetes episodes inspirational for other teenagers? Do you think Liz and Watson will expand their family? Chime in below in the comments.

The Baby-Sitters Club is streaming now on Netflix.

Laura Nowak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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