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#Greenleaf season 5 episode 6 video: Prepare for Rochelle’s return

#Greenleaf season 5 episode 6 video: Prepare for Rochelle’s return

GreenleafGreenleaf season 5 episode 6 is poised to arrive on OWN this Tuesday, and you better believe that this is going to be all sorts of messy. It’s hard for it not to be when you think for a moment about all of the factors at play.

All of this, of course, begins with the return of Rochelle. She’s been one of the biggest adversaries in the show’s history, and her return does pose a lot of questions when it comes to how Bishop is going to be able to handle some of his problems with Tara. You see, it seemed as though everything was starting to get smoothed over, and that may be out the window now. What is Rochelle going to want, and what is she willing to do to the family to get it? Both are valid questions, and this character is unpredictable enough that we’re not going to sit here and guarantee that any one thing is going to transpire during this episode.

For some more news when it comes to Greenleaf in video form, be sure to watch some of the latest speculation on the future below! Once you do that, subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and view our Greenleaf playlist. We will have further updates coming that you don’t want to miss through the remainder of the season.

As for what else could be going down in this episode beyond Rochelle’s return, Lady Mae’s potential secret is the main selling out of the end of the promo below. It’s easiest to speculate that this has a thing or two to do with Grace and Aaron, but there’s a chance it may not. It could be a totally new secret that blows the entirely family wide open. While forgiveness is a central tenet to the church, it’s not always easy for calmer heads to prevail.

Finally, is Darius in grave danger? There’s something in here that makes us feel like a character is coming for his head.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news right now when it comes to Greenleaf

What do you think is going to unravel on Greenleaf season 5 episode 6?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some additional news regarding the show. (Photo: OWN.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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