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#Eli Keszler releases Icons+

#Eli Keszler releases Icons+

The new deluxe edition of his June album, Icons, comes in multiple audio formats and features two previously unreleased tracks.

Eli Keszler releases <i>Icons+</i>

Photo by Mary Kang


Eli Keszler has released Icons+, a deluxe version of his June album, Icons, including two additional tracks. The New York-based percussionist, composer, and frequent Oneohtrix Point Never collaborator has shared multiple digital and physical audio formats of the album, all available for purchase on his website.

Many deluxe albums come with flashy new packaging and even remastered audio, but Keszler has taken this concept to a new level. With help from LUCKYME® records, he’s distributing Icons+ as a mono cassette, a stereo vinyl repress, and digital conformations for Dolby Atmos (playable on mainstream digital sound processors) and Mach1 3D spatial audio. He’s also partnered with Brooklyn fragrance company Joya to release a companion candle for the album, “created to evoke Chinatown and the Odyssey Cave,” according to a press release.

Candles aside, the Mach1 3D version of Icon+ is the most unusual part of the package. Each track is mapped around the listener’s perspective with AR head-tracking technology, which will allow those who listen on compatible devices with spatial audio capabilities (such as newer Apple AirPods and Bose headphones) to move within the sound as if it were a physical, three-dimensional space.

This psychoacoustic innovation has given Keszler “the chance to realize what I set out for with Icons originally,” the artist writes. “To create a fully immersive experience of being able to walk through these recordings with infinite angles and perspectives instead of listening to them from a fixed point. I want the listener to experience what I did walking through empty New York, the feeling of being a single point in an ever changing field.”

Watch the cryptic visuals for “Years of This,” a previously unreleased track from Icons+, above, and stream the album in full below.

By Raphael Helfand

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