
#How to automatically delete your embarrassing tweets for free

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#How to automatically delete your embarrassing tweets for free

Twitter’s great for sharing stolen memes, vapid opinions, and occasionally interesting news. But some of the toilet humor and “edgy” hot takes you tweeted in the past might not suit your new image as a wise-cracking sage.

If some malicious cyber-stalker digs them up, you could end up publicly-shamed, dumped, or even unemployed.

Unfortunately, Twitter doesn’t provide a way to bulk-delete tweets (assholes). Instead, the site suggests you manually remove the offending tweets, one-by-one.

But that can be a grueling task, littered with humiliating reminders of the past.

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A more expedient option is using a third-party app to automatically delete old tweets on a recurring schedule. Read on to find out how.

Automated options

A popular free tool is TweetDelete, which I’ve been using for a while now. It’s very simple to set up:

  • Go to the TweetDelete website.
  • Click “Login with Twitter” and enter your Twitter username and password.
  • Click “Authorize app” (if you’re happy to agree to the permissions).
  • Pick the ages of tweets you want to delete and how often you want to remove them. You can also choose to only remove tweets containing a specific word or phrase.
  • Check the box confirming you’ve agreed to the service’s terms, and hit “Delete my tweets!”
The permissions lists is lengthy, but TweetDelete says it only requires them to remove the posts.
Credit: TweetDelete

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