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#Who could be feeling lonely?

“Who could be feeling lonely?”

Ted LassoWhen Ted Lasso season 3 premieres on Apple TV+ later this year, it feels clear that a lot of characters will be facing new challenges — also, that several of them will be in very different places than they have before.

Inevitably, the man at the center of most of this is going to be Nate Shelley. He made the decision to leave AFC Richmond to manage West Ham, and he did that after leaking news on Ted’s panic attacks to the press and showing off a truly nasty side. He felt slighted and overlooked, and we think a lot of his decision-making now is based on both ego and revenge.

Is there hope that this character can turn things around? It’s possible, since there could be at least some loneliness that we see from the character coming up. Speaking in an interview with Screen Rant on the subject of what lies ahead, here is what Nick Mohammed had to say overall:

I’m not being coy. I can’t really comment too much on it, but yes, he’s at West Ham. What has been great is that I’ve been able to have some scenes with Anthony, who plays Rupert. He’s just a wonderful man, and possibly the one who is least like their character. He is such a sweetheart, compared to Rupert, who is so toxic. That has been joyful.

That’s been the biggest take home from the early stuff that we’ve been shooting. We’re midway through, and naturally I’ve not been in the Richmond locker room. It feels strange, because all those guys and gals are my friends. We’re not always filming together, and that’s a shame. I’ve been trying to channel some of that loneliness a little bit into Nate, because I think he does feel a bit bereft. But I will stop speaking, because I will give too much away.

Of course, it’s possible that this loneliness could help Nate realize the error of his ways — and there are absolutely a lot of errors here! He may have career success, but what is that if there is no one to share it with?

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Ted Lasso right now

What do you think we could see from Nate moving into Ted Lasso season 3?

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