
#Letters to the Editor — June 28, 2021

#Letters to the Editor — June 28, 2021

The Issue: The decision to relocate the statue of Theodore Roosevelt from the Museum of Natural History.

Whenever I saw the statue of President Theodore Roosevelt outside of the American Museum of Natural History, it reminded me that Teddy was one of our best presidents, and arguably the most patriotic (“NY Rough Rider’s Sad Farewell,” Editorial, June 24).

The Native American and the Black American who are part of the statue looked proud and noble.

Of course, those who for years have wanted the statue removed claimed that the statue symbolizes colonial subjugation and racial discrimination.

I have a suggestion that should satisfy all parties: Why not remove the Native American and an African man from the statue and have Teddy stand alone?

Armand Rose

Arlington, NJ

No one hates the woke war on history more than I do. But like a broken clock that is right twice a day, this time the outrage addicts have a point.

As a lifelong New Yorker, I have visited the Museum of Natural History many times, and as a student of history, I have enormous respect for our 26th president. But the statue of Roosevelt was offensive even to me.

By any reasonable interpretation, it shows Roosevelt astride a horse with half-naked minorities looking up to him from a subservient position, as if he is bringing the benefits of white civilization to the benighted savages.

I understand why in 2021, this particular statue no longer is viable. I would, of course, support a replacement statue of the great man alone.

Warren Nitti

Edgewater, NJ

teddy roosevelt statue
Passersby photograph themselves in front of the Teddy Roosevelt statue at the American Museum of Natural History on June 23, 2020.
Dan Herrick

One of my first and fondest class-trip memories growing up in Brooklyn in the 1960s was our visit to the Museum of Natural History.

The statue of Teddy Roosevelt made a huge and lasting impression on me. A childhood hero, I still revere him today.

The sculptor of this statue says that the two figures alongside him are guides and meant to symbolize “Roosevelt’s friendliness to all races.”

Roosevelt believed in racial equality and scandal and ridicule did not prevent him from inviting Booker T. Washington to dinner at the White House and to be a close personal adviser.

Karl Olsen


I don’t think The Post should object to the decision to take down the statue of Roosevelt. Although your editorial called him “one of the most popular presidents in US history,” that doesn’t mean that he was a good one.

He praised the lynching of 11 Italian immigrants in New Orleans (which was the worst mass lynching in US history), and, while he was vice president, he was instrumental in urging President William McKinley to start a war with Spain under the false pretense that Spain had been behind the bombing of the US Maine.

It would make much more sense to erect a statue to President Abraham Lincoln for his decision to free the enslaved people or to the pro-immigrant Mother Cabrini.

John Francis Fox


The statement by Theodore Roosevelt’s family member that “it is time to move the statue and move forward” is appalling. It is never time to rip out our history and it has nothing to do with moving “forward.”

Statues and monuments tell a story of where our country was, where it is going and the values on which it was established.

Educated youth are able to discern the context in which the monuments are created and understand a period of historical thought.

The Native American and African depicted are alongside Roosevelt going toward a more illuminated future.

The people who brought this statue down are imitating Mao’s cultural revolution.

Catherine Adago


Once again, I am very disappointed with the powers that be in New York City, who have caved to the left.

The removal of the Roosevelt statue shows their ignorance and their disdain for the citizens of New York.

Shame on the Public Design Commission and the idiot mayor of the city.

Dave Marsh

Clearwater, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

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