
#Top Password List of 2021 Proves You Need a Password Manager – Review Geek

“#Top Password List of 2021 Proves You Need a Password Manager – Review Geek”

An illustration of someone changing their terrible password.

Believe it or not, but we’ve gotten even worse at coming up with unique, secure passwords. Nordpass’ yearly list of the most popular passwords looks worse than ever in 2021, despite an increased awareness of privacy and security among the general public. And it probably comes down to the fact that people still aren’t using password managers.

We sign into tons of services every day, to the point that it’s impossible to create and remember a unique password for each account. It only makes sense that our “password hygiene,” as Nordpass calls it, is getting worse—people need one password that’s easy to remember, so they use crap like “qwerty” or “111111.”

Let me show you ten of the most popular passwords in 2021:

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. 12345
  4. qwerty
  5. password
  6. 12345678
  7. 111111
  8. 123123
  9. 1234567890
  10. 1234567

These passwords suck so bad. They’re terrible, and according to Nordpass, they take only a few seconds for a bot (or person) to crack. Thing is, coming up with a password that’s slightly harder to crack won’t do the average person much good. Passwords are constantly compromised through hacks and data breaches, so you need to use a unique password for every account.

And that’s where password managers come in. A dedicated password manager, whether its free or costs money, will automatically generate a new password for every site and service you join. It’ll also speed up the login process for most of your accounts, as it will automatically fill out your username and password. (Password managers sync between your computer, phone, and tablet, so you’ll never find yourself locked out of an account!)

But that’s not all. A good password manager can also fill out your credit card info or address when you try to purchase something. It can tell you when an account is compromised, and it can even save important documents behind a cloud-based vault.

So, please download a password manager today. Or at the very least, try using the password manager that’s built into your browser. By the way, if you want to see the full list of 2021’s most popular passwords (including highlights like “computer” and “internet”), go visit Nordpass’ website.

Source: Nordpass via Gizmodo

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