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#The replacement plan (day 30)

“The replacement plan (day 30)”

Kevin Big Brother CanadaThe Veto Ceremony is going to be coming to be coming on Big Brother Canada 10 tomorrow, so what is going to happen? Is there still a difference of opinion buried in here?

If you need a quick refresher, here it is: Head of Household Jess chose to nominate Hermon and Moose for eviction on Friday, only for Hermon to then win the Veto on Saturday. Jess said from the start that Tynesha would likely be the replacement nominee and now, we’re seeing that play out. It’s not official, but that’s something that Jess seems to be circling right now.

Here’s the problem: Jess is trying to have their cake and eat it too. Summer and others have suggested multiple times that Kevin should be the replacement nominee instead, and he would almost certainly stay if put up versus Moose. Yet, they don’t want to do that. The reasoning behind that is, of course, complicated. We know that Jess and Kevin are close, but Jess doesn’t want anyone to know that they’re close! With that, it’s sketchy to people like Summer that they don’t want to make the move.

At the end of the day, Jess risks burning themselves with a lot of people in the house, and Summer’s low-key told them that nominating Tynesha could damage relationships moving forward. Yet, Jess is taking too much of a page here from Kyle’s book — remember, one of the reasons he made some of the moves that he did was to ensure that he could control the numbers. He was okay nominating some allies thinking that they’d automatically be safe. Ask Stephanie about how that turned out.

There’s still time between now and the Veto Ceremony; with that, we’ll have to see where things go.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now

What do you think Jess should do at the Veto Ceremony coming up?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Once you do just that, remember to also keep coming back — there are so many other big updates coming soon. (Photo: Global.)

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