
#Spencer Dinwiddie’s Nets jersey will feature a curious political statement

#Spencer Dinwiddie’s Nets jersey will feature a curious political statement

June 29, 2020 | 12:16pm | Updated June 29, 2020 | 12:40pm

Starting at point guard for the Nets, No. 26, “Trillion.”

That’s what Spencer Dinwiddie plans to have on the back of his jersey when the Nets resume their season July 31 in Orlando, in a reference to the national debt, he announced Sunday night on Twitter.

The NBA and its Players Association are in discussions to allow players to wear a social justice statement in place of their name on their jerseys, ESPN reported on Saturday, in light of the civil unrest across the country since games were last played.

For Dinwiddie, that means an opportunity to deliver a reminder of the financial burden facing the country.

“A lot of issues at the moment. I think the fact that the country is 26 (ironically) Trillion dollars in debt is high on the list,” Dinwiddie tweeted.

Hours later, he continued his thread of tweets to defend his choice.

spencer dinwiddie trillions nets jersey restart
Spencer DinwiddieCorey Sipkin/New York Post

“Woke up at 4am to see that I’m getting lit up in the comments for talking about the Global Debt,” he wrote. “Comments ranging from massive amounts of debt are good (which I disagree with), to its not personal debt (obviously), to its a waste of a platform, amongst others. To those I question, what is the purpose of putting a social issue on the back of the jersey? To inspire change right? Considering that nobody opts out of the complete global financial system and the USA weaponized the dollar that means you need leverage within the system.

“In my opinion like it or not, change for us comes down to Group economics. Rethinking how we approach finances. Acquiring hard assets. Recycling dollars etc. Til then the slow burn of marches/protests will produce progress but will still yield similar results. (Lynchings in 2020). If America only responds hastily to violence and money I think there is a very clear option that some of the most visible ethnic people around the globe can have an impact on.

“Or I could just say f–k the police, y’all get a quick laugh and go on about your day.”

Dinwiddie, an investor in bitcoin, is no stranger to mixing basketball and the financial world.

In the fall, the 27-year-old said he wanted to monetize part of his three-year, $34 million contract by allowing fans to buy bonds in his future income — which the league said he wasn’t allowed to do.

More recently, Dinwiddie announced he was starting a GoFundMe page to raise 2625.8 bitcoins — the equivalent of $24,632,600 — and if the goal was met, he would let fans decide where he played next. Instead, he later announced he was donating the $1,000-plus that was raised to charity.


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