
#Queens president Richards endorses Eric Adams for mayor

#Queens president Richards endorses Eric Adams for mayor

The king of Queens is backing Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams for mayor.

Queens Borough President Donovan Richards told The Post his Brooklyn counterpart is the “steady hand” the Big Apple needs to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.

Richards’ backing is more than just lip service.

Richards himself is running for re-election for borough president in the June 22 Democatic primary. That means Adams will benefit from Richards’ vote-pulling operation as they run as a team throughout Queens county.

“Our City is facing a crisis on every front. A social justice crisis, an economic crisis, a public health crisis, and the list goes on,” Richards told The Post.

“The only way to bounce back properly is to have leadership we can trust. Eric is consistent and his positions don’t change for political convenience. He knows what struggle is through his lived experience and he knows what good governing is through his work experience.

Richards continued, “He’s the steady hand we need right now and I’m proud to stand by him. From one child of Queens to another. I’m ready to get to work together to build a borough for everyone in a city for everyone,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards.

Richards was referring to the fact that Adams, an ex-cop, grew up and attended schools in Queens.

Richards will make his endorsement official during a joint event with Adams outside Queens Borough Hall in Kew Gardens on Monday.

The support from the Queens County leader comes a week after Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Jr. endorsed Adams.

Brooklyn Borough President and mayoral candidate Eric Adams at a campaign stop in Manhattan on April 29, 2021.
Brooklyn Borough President and mayoral candidate Eric Adams at a campaign stop in Manhattan on April 29, 2021.
Gabriella Bass

“Together with Borough President Donovan and the other elected officials and organizations supporting our campaign in Queens and across this city, we will continue to build the most diverse coalition of support in this race to win this election and deliver real change for New York.” Adams said.

“Queens is my home, so I especially understand the lives of New Yorkers there who are struggling to get by and those who are proud to work for a living. I will make sure this city works for them too.”

Adams has secured the endorsements of the lion’s share of Queens elected officials. The major exception is Queens Congressman Gregory Meeks, also the Queens Democratic Party chairman, who backs ex-Citigroup executive Ray McGuire.

The Brooklyn BP also has landed most of the major labor union endorsements, securing the support of the Transport Workers Union last week.

Recent polls show Adams nipping at rival Andrew Yang’s heels in the primary.

Meanwhile, city Comptroller Scott Stringer’s mayoral campaign took a severe last hit last week after a woman who aided his campaign for public advocate in 2001 accused him of sexual misconduct. Many key supporters have since rescinded their endorsements of Stringer.

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