
#NY leads on crazy COVID codes and other commentary

#NY leads on crazy COVID codes and other commentary

Libertarian: NY Leads on Crazy COVID Codes

On Sunday mornings, “Jerry Orbach Theater transforms into a church,” allowing the 199-seat off-Broadway venue to fill to 50 percent capacity, writes Reason’s Eric Boehm. “A few hours later,” it’s restricted to 33 percent for a performance of “Perfect Crime,” New York’s longest-running play. That “the exact same physical space that can’t host more than 66 people for a performance is somehow considered safe when up to 99 people gather there to pray and sing together” is a “lingering reminder of the arbitrary and often nonsensical rules that have governed Americans’ lives and livelihoods for the past year.” Thanks to Gov. Cuomo, “New York has been a national leader” in proving “arbitrary restrictions on economic ­behavior are a poor way to fight this, or any, public health scourge.”

Scientists: Duly Investigate Virus’ Origins

In an open letter to Science magazine, 18 scientists urge a “proper ­investigation” into COVID-19’s origins. “Theories of accidental release from a lab and zoonotic spillover” from, say, bats, “both remain viable,” but the China-World Health Organization study that found “no clear support of either” didn’t give them “balanced consideration”: Just “4 of the 313 pages of the report and its annexes addressed the possibility of a laboratory accident.” Knowing COVID’s origins “is critical” for mitigating “the risk of future outbreaks.” We need a probe that is “transparent, objective, data-driven, inclusive of broad expertise, subject to independent oversight and responsibly managed to minimize the impact of conflicts of interest.”

Conservative: Biden’s Mideast Mess

“Events in Israel,” observes Victoria Coates at National Review, “are eerily similar” to those in summer 2014. Iran, then “buoyed by” talks with the Obama administration, empowered “its terrorist proxy Hamas to ­attack Israel from Gaza” — and the US response “delighted” it. “President Barack Obama was so enraged by the Jewish state’s audacity in defending itself,” he ordered additional review “on an urgent Israeli request for additional Hellfire missiles.” Israel de-escalated as Obama demanded, “leaving Hamas bloodied but still intact to plot future offenses,” while Iranian officials, convinced “they had their desired negotiating partners,” signed the nuclear deal with its “highly favorable” terms. President Biden is ­returning to those “failed policies,” claiming “moral equivalence” ­between Israel and Hamas, providing the Palestinians unconditional aid and giving Tehran hope for sanctions relief, which has the regime upping “its financial support for Hamas from $70 million a year to $30 million a month.” In “just 100 days,” Biden “has completely undermined the extended period of relative calm and expanding peace under President Donald Trump.”

Diplomats: Keep the Line 5 Pipeline Flowing

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s order to shut the Line 5 pipeline based on “environmental concerns” is “threatening” US-Canadian relations, warn former US ambassador to Canada David Jacobson and ex-Canadian envoy Gary Doer at The Wall Street Journal. “You don’t have to look far to see the consequences of such a shutdown — the Eastern Seaboard just lived through” them when the Colonial Pipeline halted operations. Line 5 supplies nearly half of Michigan’s propane, 45 percent of Ontario and Quebec’s fuel needs and thousands of jobs. In 2012, diplomats managed to resolve a similar dispute involving a bridge connecting Detroit and Ontario; President Biden, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Whitmer need to do likewise. “Millions” are depending on it for their “homes, jobs and businesses.”

Foreign desk: How IDF Tricked Hamas

An Israel Defense Forces tweet last week announced that “air and ground troops are currently attacking in the Gaza Strip,” and, smiles Jake Wallis Simons at Spectator USA, “nobody noted the careful ambiguity.” Media assumed that meant the IDF was preparing a ground invasion — and so did Hamas. The result: By evening, “Hamas fighters had prepared for battle, swarming into the metro tunnels and manning ­positions in the open. Both those below and above ground were summarily wiped out by Israeli jets.” Bonus: The trick siphoned Hamas fighters away from civilian centers, sparing innocent lives.

— Compiled by The Post Editorial Board

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