#NFL coach Anthony Lynn says ‘pretty’ George Floyd statements aren’t enough #SportsNews
“NFL coach Anthony Lynn says ‘pretty’ George Floyd statements aren’t enough”
June 2, 2020 | 6:26pm
And there is a reason for that.
He wants to help make a difference, but that doesn’t mean posting some words on social media.
“How do we effect that type of change? Where’s the accountability for that kind of [expletive]?” the Chargers’ coach said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “That’s where I’m at right now. I’m angry, I’m pissed off and I don’t want to just put out a pretty statement.”
Floyd, 46, died while in police custody on May 25 in Minneapolis. His death has provoked outrage among the black community, stirring many to speak out against social injustice and police brutality. While on the ground, police officer Derek Chauvin leaned on Floyd’s neck with his knee for over eight minutes. He is facing third-degree murder and manslaughter charges, and has since been fired.
“I haven’t done anything to make this a better place for my son,” the 51-year-old Lynn said. “I remember having the talk with him when he was 16 about how to handle police, and then at age 30, I called him up and just had the talk with him again because I’m so scared. I want to do something, but to be honest with you, I don’t know what that is.”
In the case of Floyd, Lynn’s biggest problem was the three officers who didn’t do anything, who just watched the man lose his life for no apparent reason. Those three officers were also fired, alongside Chauvin.
“The guy who did it, yeah, he’s a [s–t], but the three who stood by and did absolutely nothing … I’m just stunned by that,” he said. “I see that going on in every organization. I see good people saying nothing and doing nothing, allowing this to happen.”
Lynn, who took part in a protest in Huntington Beach, Calif., also touched on the Colin Kaepernick subject. Kaepernick has been out of the league since March of 2017 after he protested police brutality by taking a knee during the national anthem. The issues the country is dealing with now are the same ones Kaepernick was trying to bring to light.
“I know when you look at 32 quarterbacks in the National Football League, Colin could have been one of the 32,” Lynn said. “If not, he could have been a quality backup. For me being an African American head coach, this is tough.”
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