
# New Blockchain Lab aims to modernize the mortgage industry

# New Blockchain Lab aims to modernize the mortgage industry

Global business provider Zventus announced a new blockchain initiative on Monday titled ‘Mortgage Blockchain Lab’. The proposal i meant to collate the resources of several mortgage experts, technology firms and academic institutions to collaborate on blockchain research and development focused on the mortgage sector. 

The California-based firm, whose product and service offering spans a broad business spectrum including business consultancy, human resource strategy and tech support, will work with the lab’s partners in this blockchain sandbox to trial and test new products and services.

Early reports from the firm suggest the potential to reduce costs of loans for financial organizations exceeds 50% once the services are launched.

Zventus President Angel Alban believes in the vast potential of blockchain to support the sectors development:

“There’s no doubt in blockchain’s ability to disrupt the mortgage industry. The capabilities of a secure, transparent ledger without a central intermediary is taking off in Europe and Asia and gaining significant traction in the Americas. We’re thrilled to be at the forefront of a technological revolution that will transform mortgage processing forever.”

Since inception in 2016, Zventus has spread to 180 countries and across 220 languages.

Related: Second largest US mortgage lender will accept crypto payments this year

The lab, which incorporates Ethereum (ETH) and Hyperledger alongside the technology and academic partners, has outlined ambitions to create 1,000 new blockchain technology jobs by 2024.

Alban went on to note that:

“We are excited for the future of blockchain in the mortgage sector, and we look forward to collaborating with our clients and partners to reinvent this important element of financial services.”

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