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#Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2 Review: The Reunion of Lost Souls

#Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2 Review: The Reunion of Lost Souls

It’s just as we suspected. The Drew Crew will never be able to catch a break.

The Aglaeca is no longer the only threat to their lives, and another spirit is out to seek revenge on Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2. It was bad enough that one evil creature was after Nancy and her friends, but two?

Things just went from worse to worst. 

In the Woods - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Horseshoe Bay is riddled with ghosts. They’re taking up so much residency that it’s in everyone’s best interests to pack up and let the spirits run amuck. Ghost towns exist for a reason.

It’s hard to comprehend why anyone would willingly stay in Horseshoe Bay after knowing the truth about the spirits who reside there. Maybe Nick’s mom had the right idea by asking him to move back to Florida. 

But, of course, Horseshoe Bay is the Drew Crew’s home, and they won’t give it up without a fight. 

I can’t say I’d do the same, but I can understand the sentiment. 

Solving Problems - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Mac’s presence and his threat to Nick’s life did more than push the main plot forward. It also showed viewers how seriously Nancy Drew is taking the relationship between Nick and George. 

If the series were a stereotypical one, George and Nick would be nothing more than an obstacle in Nick and Nancy’s way. However, the Nancy Drew writers have proven that they care about all the characters they’ve brought to life in this adaptation.

Nancy Drew is the title, but everyone in the Drew Crew is vital to the show, and that’s how they’re treated.

The powers that be appear to be open to whatever feels natural, and Nick and George’s unexpected chemistry is a prime example of that. 

The Drew Crew's Here - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Nick’s mom and George didn’t get off to the best start, and it was important to George to change that.

George attempting to bond with her was both heartfelt and comedic. George isn’t the type of person to so much as crack a smile, let alone give a tour of Horseshoe Bay. 

Nick: George, are you okay?

George: I’m smiling.

However, despite her best intentions, I couldn’t help but hope that George would drop the facade she was putting on. The real George Fan is someone worth knowing. That’s who Nick fell for, after all. Shouldn’t his mom get to know that person?

Frantic - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

When Nick was in trouble, nothing else seemed to matter. George put aside her pride and let herself be open and vulnerable. Although we’ve come to understand why George is the way she is throughout Nancy Drew Season 1, Nick’s mom hasn’t had that chance. 

I’m sorry that I snapped at you before. I am generally foul-mouthed, prickly, and distrustful. But I have a mother who was a neglectful alcoholic and I’ve had to raise three little sisters on my own. It was really hard, but I adapted. And life hasn’t made me nice. It’s made me vicious. Which is why I’m the perfect person to watch Nick’s back. I’m here now because Nick is in trouble and I really don’t think you should leave while you two are still in a fight.

George’s speech was all well and good, but actions speak louder than words. George’s determination to keep Nick safe, despite the threat to her own life, didn’t go unnoticed by his mother. 

It’s hard to leave your son alone in a town full of angry ghosts, but meeting Nick’s friends was bound to give his mom some peace of mind. 

The Drew Crew was able to put Mac to rest, but that was only one problem on top of another bigger one. Defeating the Aglaeca is crucial, but the plot lacked a sense of urgency over the last couple of episodes. 

New Clue - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Who knows how long it’ll take before the Aglaeca comes for them? They’ve been living their normal lives for days, and they’ve been okay so far. Do they have weeks to find a solution? Months? Years?

Mac’s record provided the answer to that question. The Drew Crew has three days to break the curse, or it’s lights out. 

Ace: The Aglaeca comes to kill you after seven days.

Nancy: We have exactly three days left.

No one wants Nancy and her friends to die, but I’d be lying if I said their impending doom didn’t stir up some excitement. 

Nace - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

The dilly-dallying between major scenes made the Aglaeca feel like a future problem rather than something imminent. Now that the Drew Crew has a time limit, and a short one at that, everything’s going to have to amp up a notch.

Thanks to the not-so-friendly ghost of Mac, Nancy finally knows where to start. 

George: It has to be AJ.

Nick: And if he’s leaving flowers…he’s still alive.

Nancy: And he knows how to defeat the Aglaeca.

It is possible to escape the Aglaeca’s curse, and AJ is living proof of that. The only thing left to do is track him down and get him to fess up. How did he do it?

By Each Other's Side — Tall - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Nancy has a knack for find people, so that’s not the issue we’re worried about. The real problem is most likely going to be what AJ has to say. 

The curse clearly wasn’t broken if AJ’s friends still ended up dead. Did he find a way to save himself and throw them to the wolves? It’s plausible to think that the way to break a curse is with another sacrifice of some sort. 

In hindsight, no matter what AJ tells them, it’s not going to be the perfect solution to their problems. Besides, this is Nancy Drew.

When has anything ever come easy?

George and Ace - Nancy Drew Season 2 Episode 2

Stray Thoughts:

  • Nancy’s acceptance of Nick and George’s relationship was just what we wanted. There was no hostility between any of them. Nancy genuinely cares about her friends’ happiness, and it’s refreshing to see characters who are so mature. 
  • Ace’s ability to see the good in people is one of the best things about him. Nancy is still angry at her father, and while it’s understandable, the Drew Crew is quite literally on death row. Ace often gets through to Nancy in a way that others can’t, and we’re glad that his encouragement helped her take that first step to forgive Carson. 
  • I couldn’t help but wonder what the Drews’ living situation is. If Carson rented his own apartment, does that mean he just moved out and gave nineteen-year-old Nancy the house? Unless they plan on never making up, renting a hotel room would have been a better option.
  • Bess has taken a bit of a backseat these last couple of episodes, but it’s hard to fit in everyone’s individual plotline on top of the main story. Nonetheless, we can’t wait to see what Nancy Drew Season 2 has in store for her.

Over to you, TV Fanatics! What did you think of “The Reunion of Lost Souls?”

Please drop a comment down below and let us know your thoughts and predictions!

And if you missed the episode, don’t forget you can watch Nancy Drew online right here at TV Fanatic.

Nancy Drew airs at 9/8c on The CW. 

Rachel Foertsch is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter.

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