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#Most Shocking Epstein Docs Yet! Donald Trump With ‘Many Girls’? TAPES Of Bill Clinton & Prince Andrew?!

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Even more Jeffrey Epstein documents, even more accusations against former presidents… And others…

The latest comes from victim Sarah Ransome, who was previously known as Jane Doe 43. The British-South African model previously went public with some of her claims, joined fellow accuser Virginia Giuffre on that infamous Prince Andrew interview on the BBC. However, the most shocking statements she’s made about Epstein and his associates were never made public before.

Related: King Charles FINALLY Evicting Prince Andrew After Jeffrey Epstein Docs?!

In a series of emails to then-New York Post reporter Maureen Callahan back in 2016, Ransome made some WILD statements. First, remember how all those right wing pundits were taking a victory lap because the first bunch of Epstein docs didn’t include accusations that Donald Trump took part in any wrongdoing? They literally said he was all-caps EXONERATED. LOLz…

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Trump Allegations

Well, here Ransome told Callahan that Trump — who we obviously already knew was pals with Epstein for years and rode on the “Lolita Express” — did indeed have sex with girls. She says he had sex with “many girls” at Epstein’s home in New York. Sarah says one of these girls, whom she does not name, was a good friend of hers:

“I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffery’s NY mansion on regular occasions.”

She said she once met the girl for coffee, and she told her about how she was on her way “to meet Trump and Epstein together at his mansion.” She elaborated on the relationship:

“She confided in me about her casual ‘friendship’ with Donald. Mr. Trump definitely seemed to have a thing for her and she told me how he kept going on about how he liked her ‘pert nipples.’”

In some of the more upsetting testimony, she gave graphic details about what Trump liked:

“Donald Trump liked flicking and sucking her nipples until they were raw. One evening when we were showering together she showed me her nipples. They looked incredibly painful as they were red and swollen and I remember wincing when I looked at them.”


Sarah Ransome Photo from Jeffrey Epstein island
One of the photos Sarah Ransome provided from her time on Epstein’s island. / (c) MEGA/WENN

Sex Tapes?!

In addition to the dirt she dished on Trump, there were other names listed as well. Ransome says her friend was given to Bill ClintonPrince Andrew, and Virgin Group billionaire Richard Branson as well. Not only that, she claimed Epstein made sex tapes!

“When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew, and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey. Thank God she managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly identify the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her. Frustratingly enough Epstein was not seen in any of the footage but he was clever like that!”

WHOA!!! Of course, we’ve heard many times how Epstein used his sex trafficking to get powerful men under his thumb. It only makes sense he’d have to acquire more evidence than just the word of these young women. Damn. Are there really tapes out there somewhere??

The Google Issue

One last thing — she named one more big name: Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

“I also have other photos of the Epstein girls and I, whilst on the island including a couple of pictures of me with Sergey Brin and his then finance [sic] Anne Wojcicki. I met the pair when they visited the island for the day as Sergey wanted try out his new kite surfing equipment as he had only just started kite surfing and was very eager to try out his new equipment with us girls.”

Wow, this is all CRAZY! Sergey Brin on “Pedophile Island”?? Sex tapes of Clinton and Prince Andrew?! Accusations of Donald Trump taking part in the sex trafficking?!?

What Took 7 Years??

Remember, this was in 2016, so you’d think it would have made some waves in the election, right? Why didn’t it?? After all, Ransome tells Callahan she’s going to go through her stuff and try to track down her friend. This should have SUNK Trump’s campaign for president.

Sarah Ransome Photos from Jeffrey Epstein island
Photos Sarah Ransome provided from her time on Epstein’s island. / (c) MEGA/WENN

OK first off, for anyone who wants to suggest this was just a political hit, it’s important to note something very specific Ransome said in her emails. She called Hillary Clinton an “evil bitch” whom she definitely did not want winning the election, just like she couldn’t support “paedophile Trump.” (Remember, she’s British.) She declared:

“I will make sure that neither that evil bitch Hillary or that paedophile Trump gets elected. I will also make sure that everyone on the God damn planet sees that footage and photos and will release them to WikiLeaks by Sunday.”

So… what happened? Why didn’t any footage or anything come out? Why didn’t she kill both campaigns?

Related: Epstein Said He Had Dirt On ‘Both Candidates’ In The 2016 Election!

We have a big clue. She was scared. She wrote back later to Callahan on October 23, 2016, just a couple weeks before the election, to say:

“I would like to retract everything I have said to you and walk away from this.”

She told the journalist she feared for her safety and that going public would mean “only bad things” and “pain for my family.” Years later, in 2019, she told the New Yorker she’d “invented” the idea of the tapes so people would believe her — and actually investigate Epstein.

Trump and Branson have decided to run with the retraction as their defense here. Trump adviser Steven Cheung said in a statement Monday:

“These baseless accusations have been fully retracted because they are simply false and have no merit.”

And a Virgin Group spokesperson said in defense of Branson:

“In a New Yorker report published in 2019, Ransome admitted that she had ‘invented’ the tapes. We can confirm that Sarah Ransome’s claims are baseless and unfounded.”

This isn’t the first time someone has retracted their accusations against powerful men, citing fear for their safety rather than, you know, the truth. We obviously can’t say whether Sarah is telling the truth. But her accusations against Jeffrey Epstein are not “baseless and unfounded.” We now know what Epstein was doing. And once things finally changed, once the world finally caught on, Ransome did begin speaking out again.

It feels wildly inconsistent to believe some of what the victims of Epstein are saying but not others — not what’s inconvenient. Like why believe accusations against Trump but not Clinton? Or vice versa?

Our feeling is, it should all be investigated, no matter what resources it takes. Because this was a huge criminal enterprise which involved some of the most powerful men in the world. Some of those men are still incredibly dangerous, after all. Certainly none of them should be given more power.

What do YOU think of these accusations, Perezcious readers??

[Image via MEGA/WENN/BBC/Netflix/YouTube.]

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