
#Hanson singer asked crew to pluck now-wife from crowd of fans

“Hanson singer asked crew to pluck now-wife from crowd of fans”

In an “mmmbop,” she would have been gone.

Isaac Hanson, 41, has insisted there “was a connection” between him and his wife Nicole Dufresne, whom he met only after he asked a stage manager to hold her back after a performance in 2003.

This — only after he said he “sang the entirety of the show” to her and threw guitar picks in her direction — all of which probably “freaked her out,” he admitted.

On the heels of the 25th anniversary of Hanson’s debut single “MMMbop,” the family band is once again making rounds as they promote an upcoming world tour tied to the release of 11th studio album, “Red Green Blue.”

Isaac, Taylor and Zac recently spoke to Yahoo! UK podcast host Kate Thornton, of “White Wine Question Time,” which aired Thursday.

The interview took a slightly awkward turn when she probed the brothers about their wives.

In a cheeky segue, the group used the metaphorical meaning of their first hit song — an allegory for cape diem — to reference times when they’ve “seized the day” in the past.

“Issac, the story of how you met your wife, it really chimed with me. You saw her — have I got this right? — in the crowd at a gig and you knew there was a connection, there was something,” Thornton asked the band’s eldest.

“You went to the stage manager and said ‘you have to stop her leaving’ and that was the beginning of what has become a very happy marriage and beautiful family,” she continued.

“As moments go, it’s courageous, it’s audacious and it’s frankly inspiring,” Thornton mocked, before goading the other siblings to spill.

Isaac and Nicole Dufresne married in 2006.
Isaac and Nicole Dufresne married in 2006.

Responded Isaac, “I think that one takes the cake for me as a whole, it was both the most persistent and brave moment in some ways … I had to try hard.”

Zac, 36, then interjected with a clarification: “You know what people may not realize is that Issac met his wife by telling the stage manager ‘hey that girl — I got to meet that girl.’ ”

Said Thornton, “It sounds grubby, I’ll be honest. It doesn’t sound… I struggle to make it sound romantic.”

Turns out, all three of them married fans they met during shows — with middle brother Taylor and youngest Zac finding love in 2002, during a Hanson performance a Macy’s in Georgia.

Isaac and his brothers' debut single "MMMbop" is turning 25, so the family band is once again making rounds as they promote an upcoming world tour tied to the release of 11th studio album, "Red Green Blue."
Isaac and his brothers’ debut single “MMMbop” is turning 25, so the family band is once again making rounds as they promote an upcoming world tour tied to the release of 11th studio album, “Red Green Blue.”
NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via

“Let’s simplify it,” Taylor, 39, pleaded. “We met them on tour in Atlanta, and yes, Issac technically met both of our wives first.”

Joked the host, “Honestly, I’m starting to smell some sort of Netflix series here.”

Attempting to unweave this tangled web of wives, they further explained that both Taylor and Zac had spotted their soon-to-be spouses as the two women were working as models. Isaac then recalled how he had urged the women to “say hello” to his two younger brothers.

Ruefully, he then confessed that Dufresne was likely “kind of freaked out” by his aggressive approach. “My wife is quite introverted and I think she was a little thrown because I was so gung-ho — like ‘hey we should out, we should do some stuff, i’m only here for so long’,” he added.

Nevertheless, it worked. Isaac and she married in 2006, followed by Zac and Kathryn Tucker later that year. Meanwhile, Taylor had already married wife Natalie Anne Bryant in 2002. The three brothers and their wives share a bevy of 15 cousins between them.

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