
# Mika and the Witch’s Mountain launches January 22

Witch delivery adventure game Mika and the Witch’s Mountain will leave Early Access and launch for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on January 22, developers Chibig and Nukefist announced.

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain first launched in Early Access for Switch and PC via Steam on August 21, 2024.

Get the latest details below.

Early Access and Updates

The game, inspired by Kiki’s Delivery Service, was launched on Early Access on Steam and Switch on August 21, 2024 and has sold 60,000 copies so far, with a very positive reception from players.

To encourage everyone to join this special event and enjoy the adventures of Mika, the delivery witch, Chibig is hosting a launch discount in some of these platforms: 30 percent off on Steam, 25 percent off on Switch (Europe region), and 15 percent off for PlayStation Plus users.

During these four months, the team has taken the opportunity to listen to the community’s opinion and developed more content into the game for free.

“We want to thank our community for all the feedback and support they’ve shared with us during the Early Access,” said Chibig CEO Abraham Cozar, “because that has helped us launch a better experience today, a better game.”

Two of three content patches planned, beyond bug fixing and improving performance, are now available and add:

  • Fishing Minigame.
  • Churro Express racing minigame.
  • Save the Kitten minigame.
  • Pet companion.
  • New languages.
  • New cosmetics.
  • More achievements.

If you want to know more about all this new content, check first content patch update and second content patch update.

The “Into the Mont Gaun” third content patch, will come in the following weeks, including threedungeons to explore the depths of the island where the adventure takes place, with a very similar vibe to the dungeons of The Legend of Zelda games.

This third content patch will be the last one, completing all the content planned for the game before the successful Kickstarter campaign in 2023, and providing around eight hours of gameplay.

About the Game

Mika and the Witch’s Mountain is a fantasy adventure about an aspiring witch who delivers packages to the townspeople of a small island. Explore every nook and cranny and soar through the sky with your magic broom. Take your magic broom and discover all the secrets hidden in the mountain while getting to know its charming inhabitants. Work hard and get a magic broom good enough to achieve your goal: to go to the top of the mountain. This coming-of-age journey will take us to the top of the mountain through a story of effort, friendship, and community; and will let our hearts fly free.

Key Features

  • Fly over a beautiful island. Explore a mini open world full of secrets and magic.
  • Protect the packages from the elements as you fly around the island.
  • Play as a little witch who works delivering packages on a small island.
  • Complete your collection with different outfits, trails, treasures and more.
  • A cozy light-heart story for you to unwind and relax.

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