#Man files for trademark to use George Floyd’s name in Hollywood projects
“#Man files for trademark to use George Floyd’s name in Hollywood projects”
June 12, 2020 | 12:54pm | Updated June 12, 2020 | 12:54pm
A person named Munemo Mushonga filed a trademark application on June 5 for the name “George Floyd” to be used for “production and distribution of television shows and movies,” according to legal documents revealed by TMZ.
There is no known connection between the late Minneapolis resident, Floyd — who died in police custody last month — and Mushonga, nor does he appear to have any Hollywood associates, Variety reports. He also refused to reveal his plans for the trademark.
The trademark application lists Mushonga’s place of residence as Rhode Island, while at the same time the address he submitted is located in Miami, which appears to be the site of a construction company.
However, it’s not yet a done deal. The US Patent and Trademark Office is strict regarding trademarks on names. To meet the requirements, Mushonga would need written consent from Floyd, who died on May 25 as a result of police misconduct. It’s also unclear at this time whether permission from Floyd’s representatives would suffice. Furthermore, the agency could refuse the application based on Floyd’s notoriety and status as a public figure.
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