#Man carrying ax shot near George Floyd protest in Denver
“Man carrying ax shot near George Floyd protest in Denver”
June 5, 2020 | 2:06am
Protesters stand to face riot police, with the Denver skyline and Fillmore Auditorium in the background.
Paul Winner/Shutterstock
Denver police said at around midnight that one person was transported to the hospital after the shooting but claimed that the ax-wielding man had nothing to do with the protests, according to the Denver Post.
Video from the scene shows a man bleeding on the street as people plead for help.
“We have a critically wounded man who needs help immediately,” one person could be heard saying.
Most of the protesters had been blocks away from the incident when it occurred.
An officer told the paper that “the shooting does not appear to be connected to the protests in any way.”
Cops also said that another person in connection with the incident had suffered a stab wound.
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