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#An Epic Fable from Russia is Our Pick of the Week

“An Epic Fable from Russia is Our Pick of the Week”

Ilya MurometsIlya Muromets [Deaf Crocodile]

What is it? A Russian epic about a Russian hero.

Why see it? If you only know Aleksandr Ptushko’s film under the title The Sword and the Dragon (or via its appearance on Mystery Science Theater 3000) then you really don’t know it at all. The full film is an epic fable packed tightly into ninety minutes of beautiful Russian landscapes, action set-pieces, creative practical effects, and heroism. The tale is based on an old legend about a hero who holds back the Mongol hordes and their fire-breathing dragon, and it’s a fantastic time that feels like history jazzed up with silliness, sincerity, and Ray Harryhausen. Deaf Crocodile’s new 4K restoration is gorgeous, and their new Blu-ray release is a thing of beauty. Anyone who tells you older Russian films are dull has never seen this gem.

[Extras: New 4K restoration, commentary, booklet]

The Best

1776 [4K UHD]

What is it? A musical about the creation of the Declaration of Independence.

Why see it? The popular (at the time) stage musical gets an epic big screen adaptation with a TV-friendly cast (William Daniels, Ken Howard, etc), and the result is an odd mix of music, laughs, and sad truths. On that last count, the Continental Congress hits a wall on the subject of slavery, and a single Southern representative holds the Constitution hostage until they agree to drop the section that would have essentially freed them. The film is played for laughs at times, played for drama at others, and while the second act sags the film as a whole is an engaging look at the messed up founding of a messed up country. This new UHD features both the director’s and extended cuts in 4K and the theatrical on Blu-ray.

[Extras: Director’s cut, extended cut, theatrical cut, commentary, deleted scenes, screen tests]

The BoysThe Boys – Seasons 1 & 2

What is it? Superhero shenanigans for adults.

Why see it? Eric Kripke’s wildly entertaining adaptation of the popular comic takes what has become a trope of its own — what if superheroes were assholes — and turns the dial all the way to eleven. Graphic violence, sexual situations, Nazis, death by super-long dick… this show is amazing stuff. It’s incredibly fun with its gags and over the top scenes, but it also lands a few punches in its commentaries and emotional situations. It’s a frequently surprising watch too as the characters and storylines take some highly unexpected turns. Those with strong stomachs and comfortably loose morals should catch up quick as season three is even more absurdly insidious.

[Extras: Deleted scenes, bloopers, short film]

Buster Keaton Rides AgainBuster Keaton Rides Again / Helicopter Canada [Canadian International Pictures]

What is it? A look at the production of Buster Keaton’s final short.

Why see it? The latest release from a terrific new label (Canadian International Pictures) pairs two short features from the 60s. First up is a documentary made during the production of “The Railrodder” which was Keaton’s final film, and it’s a must-watch for fans as it explores his life and career while documenting the man’s approach to comedy and film. Next up is a documentary about the vast beauty of Canada offering up some stunning photography and observations both entertaining and educational.

[Extras: New 2K transfers, commentary, short films, booklet]

Chan Is MissingChan is Missing [Criterion Collection]

What is it? Two cabbies go looking for a missing man in Chinatown.

Why see it? Wayne Wang’s low budget character study from the early 80s is something of an indie noir. It’s incredibly raw with its black & white photography and mostly amateur cast, but there’s a low-key sense of humor and charm at play here as our two leads spread their search throughout Chinatown’s alleyways, hotels, and kitchens. More than that, though, the film becomes a near existential look at a search for the Chinese-American identity with the missing man as a stand-in for something far greater. It’s a quick, engaging watch offering an appealing look at the everyday streets of Chinatown in 1982.

[Extras: Documentary, interviews, booklet]

Double IndemnityDouble Indemnity [Criterion Collection]

What is it? A masterclass in film noir.

Why see it? Billy Wilder in the director’s chair already near guarantees a great time, and that’s only magnified by his script co-written by Raymond Chandler. Fred MacMurray plays a regular chump who gets sucked into the life and death shenanigans of a gorgeous dame (Barbara Stanwyck), and while the story delivers some dark turns there’s a satisfying nature to the grim truths. Much of that satisfaction comes in the form of deliciously wicked dialogue delivered with wit, speed, and salacious intent. This is the kind of 40s film that’s endlessly quotable and mean, and Criterion’s new Blu-ray is the way to watch (unless of course you opt for their 4K UHD version instead).

[Extras: New 4K restoration, commentary, interviews, documentaries, radio adaptation, booklet]

A Fistful Of DollarsA Fistful of Dollars [4K UHD, KL Studio Classics]

What is it? A stranger arrives in town, and trouble follows.

Why see it? The first collaboration between Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood might not get the love of the two that followed, but it’s every bit the western classic. The story is a direct lift from Akira Kurosawa’s Yojimbo and pits Eastwood’s stranger against two rival gangs in a small border town. Intense action, menacing looks, an Ennio Morricone score, gorgeous vistas — this is a good one. Kino’s new 4K UHD features several supplements, but the big selling point is the picture which shines with rich colors and depth.

[Extras: 4K restoration, shot-by-shot color grading, commentaries, interview, featurettes]

The UntouchablesThe Untouchables [4K UHD]

What is it? Eliot Ness goes toe to toe with Al Capone on the mean streets of Chicago.

Why see it? Easily Brian De Palma’s most commercial and accessible film, The Untouchables remains a fantastically entertaining look at the rough and tumble times of Prohibition. Kevin Costner shines as a goody two-shoes forced to get his hands dirty if he wants to make a difference, and Robert De Niro is equally compelling as the brutal Capone. Add in Sean Connery, Andy Garcia, Charles Martin Smith, and more familiar faces, a kick-ass score by Ennio Morricone, sharp cinematography, and a smart David Mamet script, and you have a great time. This new 4K UHD release probably won’t blow you away, but it’s quite clearly the best the film has looked on home video.

[Extras: Featurettes]

The Rest

Almost Summer [Scorpion Releasing]

What is it? A high school endures a rough race for class president.

Why see it? Teen comedies have never gone out of style, and while some are obviously better than others there’s no shortage of the mediocre ones. The highlight in this late 70s comedy is the casting with Bruno Kirby, Lee Purcell, Tim Matheson, and John Friedrich all doing fun, fresh work. The story pits candidates against each other while offering some some minor lessons in morality, and the character beats take precedence over T&A which is kept to a minimum. It’s a perfectly okay movie.

[Extras: New 2K master, interviews]

The Coca Cola Kid [Fun City Editions]

What is it? A hotshot American heads to Australia to help boost business.

Why see it? This is a fairly odd concoction (American star! Serbian director! Australian locale!) that doesn’t always work but finds some charm all the same. Eric Roberts plays a tough executive who heads to Australia to help bolster local sales of Coke products — the film was in no way supported or approved by Coca Cola — but he finds romance, quirkiness, and a new approach on life instead. There are some humorous beats here as cultures clash, but it’s sometimes played maybe a bit too strange for its own good as the tone and content wobble. Add in some gratuitous Greta Scacchi nudity and it feels like a movie that isn’t quite sure how to sell itself.

[Extras: New 2K restoration, interviews, commentary, booklet]

Game of Survival [Culture Shock]

What is it? Aliens bring nine humanoids to Earth for a battle royale.

Why see it? The 80s were a wild time, and that includes the multitude of low budget genre films fighting for our attention. This one takes a familiar premise — strangers thrown together to fight to the death — and executes it with a $5 budget. Fans of just such endeavors will probably enjoy, but there’s not really enough here to justify looking past its shortcomings. The action is the one spot where it needed to thrill, but it’s underwhelming and less exciting than the hair and costumes.

[Extras: Introduction, interviews, commentary, music video]

Also out this week:

The Devil You Know, The Films of Doris Wishman: The Twilight Years, Gomorrah – Fifth and Final Season, The Little Hours, Lucifer – The Complete Fifth Season, No Resistance, Passing Strangers and Forbidden Letters: Two Films by Arthur Bressan Jr., Poupelle of Chimney Town, Row 19, Strawberry Mansion, Videophobia, Yeti: Giant of the 20th Century

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