
#Letters to the Editor — June 20, 2021

#Letters to the Editor — June 20, 2021

Unlikely crime fix
Seth Barron’s astute observations on the underlying causes of skyrocketing crime in the city give good reason to believe that we are in for more of the same regardless of who the next mayor is (“Worse Than Blas,” PostOpinion, June 15).

The idiot presently at the helm did his part to destroy the city, and he also put in place laws that will hamstring the best efforts of whoever the next mayor might be to turn things around.
The bottom line is that the most professional and successful police department in the country has been neutered by laws and policies that make it impossible to function effectively, and criminals have taken full advantage.

You can reinstall anti-crime units and give all the pep talks you want to try to persuade cops to become proactive again, but until these laws and policies are reversed, which I don’t think will happen, the criminal element will continue to act with impunity, and our once safe city will continue its decline.

Thomas Urban

E-bike hell
Gary Taustine’s scathing indictment of the City Council for its egregious decision to allow e-bikes and scooters free rein to terrorize pedestrians was fully justified (“E-bike blood on hands of City Council,” June 16).

One can no longer walk the streets of the greatest city in the world without being in fear of being hit by some untrained, unlicensed, uninsured vehicular idiot who takes pleasure in coming as close to you as possible while breaking every traffic law on the books.

As an avid runner, one of my favorite routes was along the Eastside Esplanade up to and across the Randall’s Island Bridge. That’s no longer an option for me because the Esplanade has been taken over by motorized bikes, mini-motorcycles and speeding Citi Bike users.

The City Council progressives who passed this mindless legislation are directly responsible for the deaths and injuries of the many who have been victimized.

Gerard Rosenthal

Bratton for mayor
It was like a breath of fresh air to read former NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton’s comments on “The Cats Roundtable” in The Post (“Blame Bail Reform: Bratton,” June 14).

He clearly placed the blame for the surging crime rate on the ill-advised, progressive criminal-justice and bail-reform laws.

Since rising crime appears to be the driving force for the resurgence of Eric Adams to the lead in the Democratic mayoral race, what better candidate could Republicans offer than the man who has led the NYPD in two separate administrations, and has been at the forefront of crime-reduction strategies since the early 1990s?

The current Republican candidates have zero chance to win back Gracie Mansion.

Bratton has proven that he can communicate and listen to all viewpoints and concerns.
Bill, think about saving your city by running for mayor on the Conservative Party line.

Anthony Scro

Bad news Brad
Thank you to Steve Cuozzo for validating my astonishment every time I see an ad for Brad Lander (“Mad Money,” PostScript, June 13).

True, I do live in New Jersey, but my husband and I are frequent visitors as Metropolitan Opera subscribers and Broadway enthusiasts.

From our perspective, on a list of priorities for the next administration, crime must be No. 1. Nothing else comes close. Until crime is reduced to the level it once was, we’re not going to be crossing the George Washington Bridge unless absolutely necessary.

Marsha Motzen

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

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