
#Letters to the Editor — July 11, 2021

#Letters to the Editor — July 11, 2021

Donovan downer

Donovan Richards’ disgraceful “victory” statement identified the real racist in the Queens Borough President race, and it wasn’t his opponent, Elizabeth Crowley (“Donovan Richards: Sore Winner,” Editorial, July 8).
Now don’t get me wrong, I am not a fan of Crowley, but compared to Donovan, she would be a major improvement.

Donovan still only leads by a small margin. Hopefully, there will be a better choice come Election Day. Donovan is bad for Queens.

Augie Trinchese, Middle Village

Tenure tantrum

Thank you for reporting on the continuing saga of Nikole Hannah-Jones, and the extremely sad state of today’s “higher” education (“Stuff your tenure,” July 9).

A whining woke person had a hissyfit because, initially, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill’s School of Journalism (and its largest benefactor) had the integrity not to reward journalistic rubbish with tenure.

Soon thereafter, the university caves to its woke pseudo-scholars after they unleash their pablum replete with their favorite word: “racist.” All good? No. The “professor,” in a huff, quit to now “enlighten” students at another college with her specious and flawed “research.”

Who’s the winner of all this? Clearly the UNC-Chapel Hill students. Alas, the woke can’t go broke soon enough.

Anthony Parks, Garden City

Love it or leave it

Ryan Fazio’s column on young Americans growing less proud of their nation was sadly true (“Lucky Stars,” PostScript, July 4). But it’s not just young Americans who display disrespect and disloyalty for their country.

Maybe we should open the borders totally and let all the immigrants who love America come in and tell those who only find fault with it that they are welcome to leave.

To quote Fazio, “The character of America is always striving to be ‘more perfect,’ and we must continue to do so today. What separates America in human history is not its sins, but its virtues.” God bless America!

Anne Leonardi, Mastic Beach

Anthem for all

I do not understand why PBS decided that Vanessa Williams should sing “Lift Every Heart and Sing” when “The Star Spangled Banner” already had been performed (“Red glare over ‘black anthem,’ ” July 5).

It implies that our national anthem does not include people of color. Critics are correct; it is divisive to have done this.

Besides being annoyed and angry at these political shenanigans, I see how they continue to chip away at feelings of good will, at a desire to work together, at a sense of unity.

You have to question why PBS, the NBA and others disrespect our anthem. The obvious answer is not very reassuring.

Sallyanne Ferrero, Naples, Fla.

Harvard’s diversity

Kenny Xu seems to think that Harvard — and comparable institutions — are trade schools where a computer should determine the composition of the student body. (“End Harvard Racism,” PostOpinion, July 5).

As a proud alumnus of Harvard, let me clarify the matter: These schools are leadership academies where every demographic deserves and has seats at the table.

Admission to Harvard and its sister schools are not rewards for grinding out straight-A grades and perfect SAT scores. The most important measure is determining who can educate his/her peers outside the classroom.

The Harvard student body is currently 26 percent Asian. Where is the discrimination?

Vaughn A. Carney, Hamilton

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