
#Letters to the Editor — April 22, 2022

“Letters to the Editor — April 22, 2022”

The Issue: The Biden administration and NATO’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

I voted for President Biden because I firmly believe his assessment that the world has become a dangerous dichotomy of democracy and autocracy (“Ukraine’s Alamo,” Editorial, April 21).

The alternative choice was former President Donald Trump, who recently proclaimed President Vladimir Putin a “genius” for his Ukrainian military strategy. Trump’s naive assessment of Putin’s genius clearly invalidates his own, self-proclaimed genius.

Although I would vote for Biden again, I am deeply disappointed. He has been a day late and a dollar short in supporting Ukraine.

Many weeks after the war’s commencement, he’s still fumbling around with sanctions and arms discussions that should have been resolved months ago.

Regrettably, if I had to grade Biden to date, I’d give him a C- for his performance, a grade that’s wholly in step with his sagging poll numbers.

Bob Fried

Allentown, Pa.

After all of the atrocities committed at the hands of the Nazis during World War II, I cannot comprehend how the United States along with the rest of the world is not doing more to stop the massacre of Ukraine.

Russia is using a “scorched earth” policy, merely looking to bomb Ukraine back to the stone age — while first killing, maiming, raping and perpetrating every conceivable atrocity on the people of the country.

In the meantime, in spite of this genocide, the United States, NATO and others merely send certain military hardware (still no planes), and increase their sanctions, always fearful of Putin’s threat to use nuclear weapons.

How long will we be held hostage by a madman and kept from doing the honorable thing before we finally say “enough is enough,” and bring an end to this bloody onslaught?

The time to really act is now, before Ukraine is completely and utterly destroyed.

Alan Brooks


The war in Ukraine has been a major failure of United States and NATO intelligence, which assumed Russia’s invasion would be a cake walk.

With President Volodymyr Zelensky and his military fighting like ancient Spartans, it is suddenly paramount that Ukraine not lose and, if possible, crush the Russian invasion.

When Germany, the European Union’s biggest economy, offered only helmets and body armor, it never imagined a new Imperial Russia might soon become its next-door neighbor.

Only Eastern European nations recognized the threat, with Poland offering its MiGs. All Putin had to do was say the word “nuclear” and Biden’s knees turned to Jello, nixing the transfer.

Fortunately, Britain and others showed some spine. Entering the third month of the war, the West is finally doing what it should have done long ago. Pray Ukraine wins.

Bob Porch

Marlton, NJ

The Russian destruction of Ukraine and its population mandates that Ukraine become a member of NATO, allowing NATO forces to counter the Russians and its mercenaries, who have been hired to terrorize and kill civilians.

This is not a war. It’s a mission by Putin to destroy Ukraine as a nation.

History will condemn the United States and the NATO European nations if this crime against humanity is allowed to continue. NATO membership for Ukraine — now.

Ed Houlihan

Ridgewood, NJ

President Teddy Roosevelt said, “Talk softly and carry a big stick.”

President Barack Obama was as weak as water when saying the United States would not have a new cold (or hot) war with Russia over Putin’s annexation of Crimea.

Now Biden is looking as weak (in fact, impotent) in addressing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine as the Obama administration was with Crimea.

Thomas Sowell said: “Freedom has cost too much blood and agony to be relinquished at the cheap price of rhetoric.” I believe Roosevelt would have agreed.

Howard Hutchins

Victoria, Australia

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.

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