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#Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fancams, prisons, jails, & Tulsa

#Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Fancams, prisons, jails, & Tulsa

Last Week Tonight

Last Week TonightWe were wondering how Last Week Tonight was going to handle the subject of the recent Tulsa rally, given that the show typically tapes in advance in this remote format. Yet, Oliver did get a chance to get one joke in early on in the episode.

However, the majority of the episode on Sunday did not revolve around this. Meanwhile, it also did not revolve around John Bolton’s attempt to sell important information in a book when there were other ways to distribute it. The bulk of the show spoke about prisons and jails, which have become breeding grounds for the current health crisis. Nobody is paying attention to what is going on there, but there are tens of thousands of people infected all over the country. There are few ways for the spread to be stopped, and this is not the punishment that any of these people were sentenced to. There is very little access to soap, and in some facilities inmates are being charged for.

The issues going on in prisons go beyond just inmates — there are a lot of prison employees that also find themselves in danger. Those people are trying to do their job, but they are finding grave danger all around them.

So what is Oliver advocating? For starters, releasing some non-violent offenders and people who don’t represent a risk to society. At the very least, releasing the elderly and people close to the end of their sentence would be worth considering. We understand that not everyone wants to listen to a discussion about prison reform, but it’s important. Saving lives always is in the most low-risk way possible.

Now, a fancam segment

Know fancams? These are used on Twitter, often for creating chaos and/or making people mad who don’t understand them. Well, there are some K-pop fans out there who have used fancams of their favorites in order to stop racist messaging on social media. It’s an interesting way to undermine certain topics on social media.

Oh, and at the end of the episode, Oliver presented a fancam that people can use featuring intimate rats, set of course to Korean pop. Feel free to use that however you want.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Last Week Tonight right now

What did you think about the latest Last Week Tonight episode?

Be sure to share right now in the comments below! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news related to the show. (Photo: HBO.)


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