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#Killing Eve season 4: Jodie Comer on production delay

#Killing Eve season 4: Jodie Comer on production delay


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Killing Eve


Killing EveWe know that a Killing Eve season 4 is going to be happening at some point on BBC America — we’ll just be waiting for a while. It’s already been announced that the production on the latest batch of episodes has been pushed back. With that, it’s going to be a longer wait than usual to get some more story details!

For some more Killing Eve updates in video form, be sure to watch the latest now at the bottom of this article! Once you take a look at that, remember to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube for some other news and view our show playlist. We’ll have further news coming that you don’t want to miss…

So while the cast and crew wait to come back, how much does anyone know about the story? As it turns out, really not that much. For some more on that very subject, just take a look at what Jodie Comer had to say in a new interview with TVInsider:

I know nothing. It’s all very much up in the air at the minute. We were supposed to be filming right about now, but I just know the production didn’t want to compromise the quality of the show, which I’m absolutely all for. It gives us a little bit more time to make sure we come back with the juiciest possible season we can create. Fingers crossed soon, but I have no news as of yet, I’m afraid.

We think everyone will get a larger sense of the story shortly before production, and we hope that this will happen early next year. There’s no immediate hurry, mostly since what matters the most here is that the right story is told. We just hope that the new season will be here at some point in 2021.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Killing Eve, including more speculation on the future

What do you most want to see when it comes to Killing Eve season 4?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Also, remember to stick around for some other news related to the series. (Photo: BBC America.)

This article was written by Jessica Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.


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