
#Kamala Harris to speak between Pence and Trump RNC 2020 addresses

#Kamala Harris to speak between Pence and Trump RNC 2020 addresses

August 26, 2020 | 5:49pm

Vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris will serve as a Democratic counterweight to the Republican National Convention Thursday giving an afternoon speech that is sandwiched between Vice President Mike Pence’s address Wednesday and President Trump’s long-awaited convention speech hours later.

Sen. Harris (D-Calif.) is expected to slam the commander in chief’s “failures to contain COVID-19 and protect working families from the economic fallout” in an address from Washington, DC, the Biden campaign said.

The Democratic running mate has been slated as the party’s main counter to Trump, who will accept his party’s nomination for a second term at the Republican National Convention’s Thursday evening festivities.

Since accepting the Democratic party’s nomination for the vice presidency last week in Delaware, Harris has been in the nation’s capitol working virtually with Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign staff.

Details of her speech were not revealed.

In her address to the Democratic National Convention last week, Harris devoted minimal time to the president, only mentioning him by name once to say, “Donald Trump’s failure of leadership has cost lives and livelihoods.”

Trump is planning to give his keynote speech from the White House lawn, after plans for two other locations were scrapped due to coronavirus safety concerns.

As campaign season enters the final stretch before the November election, the Biden campaign has ramped up planned activities for both the candidates, especially Harris.

Harris took part in three virtual fundraisers scheduled on Wednesday, as well as an online discussion about turning out black female voters in Michigan. She also published an op-ed calling for the passage of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act.

On Monday, Biden’s campaign referenced “the potential of additional events” when announcing that that both candidates would be regularly tested for coronavirus going forward. The team declined to elaborate on what, if any, events were being planned.

With Post wires

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