
#How To Write New Content Without Breaking A Sweat?

#How To Write New Content Without Breaking A Sweat?

The Curse Of Content Creation

Coming up with topics for blog posts can be an easy task for the first couple of times. 

Ideas flow like water, the hopes are high, and you feel like nothing can go wrong.

Until it does.

With time, you tend to get sloppy, your quality drops, and you start to run out of ideas.

You could whimper your life away or you could learn this great technique. 

A technique so great that you might not need to write ever again.

What is this great technique?

Article rewriting is a technique that lets you grab a piece of content and turn it into hundreds of different versions. It is often employed by content professionals around the globe. 

It works by either reading a piece of content and rewriting a couple of words, sentences, and/or paragraphs to make it a new version on the same topic.

What can you use Article Rewriting for?

The uses are almost endless but it is commonly used for:

  • SEO
  • Blog Posts
  • Social Media Posts
  • Scholarly Work
  • Email Marketing
  • More!

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “writing hundreds of articles to work with sounds like a lot of work.” But hear me out, there are multiple ways to do so:

Types Of Article Rewriting


Naturally, the first thing that might come to your mind is manual rewriting. This method is by far the most inefficient way to rewrite content.

You read the content, plan how you want it to look, and start rewriting.

If you are an inexperienced writer, this may be the best way to learn and hone your skills.


Automatic rewriting is an awesome functionality that comes in all article rewriter tools. 

It works by having the software “read” the content, check its built-in thesaurus, and change every word possible effectively making an entire new piece.

This is great if you don’t care about quality, and don’t mind foregoing editing and random pieces of gibberish in the final works.


This is by far the best way to rewrite content.

It works by having the article rewriter tool aid you and guide you through the rewriting process instead of leaving everything to destiny and hope for the best.

While it may seem like a time-consuming task, you need to remember that you need to avoid plagiarism when rewriting content.

 AI-based rewriters like Chimp Rewriter or EssayBot, use Natural Language Processing to read and understand the content written. 

This gives the tool the power to rewrite the content without losing any context.

Also, some AI-based rewriters have built-in tools to protect keyword optimization, plagiarism checkers, and resource suggestions to help you write even faster.

This is better suited for someone with some experience in writing content.


Free rewriting tools might seem like a feasible option. But, if you value your time and sanity then a paid tool is the clear winner.

Assisted rewriting is a god-send. It not only helps with content creation, but it could also save your website from being marked as dead by search engines.

Plus, it could help you increase your site’s conversion rates.

 If you want to learn more about free and paid article rewriting tools, make sure to check out our other post where we dive deeper on the topic.

CHIEF Original

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