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#Ghostbusters: Afterlife Will Honorably Represent Harold Ramis Promises Dan Aykroyd

#Ghostbusters: Afterlife Will Honorably Represent Harold Ramis Promises Dan Aykroyd

Harold Ramis is “honorably represented” in Ghostbusters: Afterlife, according to Dan Aykroyd. Ramis, who co-wrote the original Ghostbusters with Aykroyd, sadly passed away in 2014. Ivan and Jason Reitman have spoken before about featuring Ramis in the movie, but we’re still not sure how that will happen exactly. With that being said, there is reportedly quite a bit of unused footage from the original movie reportedly being worked into the story, which features Harold Ramis.

Dan Aykroyd is currently out promoting his Travel Channel series, Hotel Paranormal, which premieres tonight. Obviously, the actor was going to have to do some talking about Ghostbusters: Afterlife, which was supposed to be in theaters this summer. He had this to say when asked about not having Harold Ramis around for the sequel.

“To have that formation without that man standing right there on the line with us was a pretty serious adjustment. He will be very well represented in the new film, I can tell you that. He’s very honorably represented.”

In addition to talking about Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd went on to praise Jason Reitman for the work he has put into Ghostbusters: Afterlife. Reitman is taking over for his father, Ivan Reitman, who directed the first two installments. There is still quite a bit of skepticism among hardcore fans about the sequel, even with the surviving members of the original cast returning. Aykroyd explains.

“He’s passing the DNA of the first two movies directly to the new generation. It’s just a lot of fun to see these terrific young actors slinging the old Cadillac around and having the equipment in their hands. The story that develops from that is scary and funny and heartfelt and also funny. And it feeds into the possibility of more follow-ups with this group and with others who want to join.”

Jason Reitman does plan on having another Ghostbusters movie following Ghostbusters: Afterlife, though it is not officially confirmed if that will happen at this time. There is a lot riding on the sequel, especially after the 2016 all-female reboot, which is still facing backlash. Dan Aykroyd believes that anyone can be a Ghostbuster. The actor had this to say.

“Everyone can be a Ghostbuster, just start out by studying science and physics. Every county in the United States has a paranormal society, and I don’t think before Ghostbusters that was true. No one back then knew what ectoplasm was, before Ghostbusters. We introduced that term to millions of people around the world where it was just a standard part of the vernacular in the research, which my family has been into for generations. We turned it into a joke [in the film], and I think that’s ok with everyone on the other side. [laughs]”

Ghostbusters: Afterlife will now open in theaters early next year, as long as everything goes according to plan. It was originally going to open in less than a month, but that has all changed, along with the rest of the big Hollywood movies that were supposed to come out this year. For now, Tenet, Mulan, and Bill & Ted Face the Music are going to attempt to save the summer box office. The interview with Dan Aykroyd was originally conducted by Entertainment Weekly.

Topics: Ghostbusters 2020, Ghostbusters

Kevin Burwick at Movieweb


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