
#Epic To Sony: $200 Million For 4-6 PlayStation Games

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#Epic To Sony: $200 Million For 4-6 PlayStation Games
It is a well-known fact that Epic Games has been battling Apple in court since last year. Documents that were used in court during the trial revealed a lot of information. Among this, it was revealed that Epic Games had offered Sony a huge sum of money to get first-party PlayStation games on PCs.

Epic Games had offered Sony around 200 million USD for “4-6 titles”. A couple of Epic’s games, namely Days Gone and Horizon Zero Dawn, which were previously only available on the PS platform, have been available on both Steam and in the Epic Games Store. However, Epic Games Store has not received exclusive PC access to PS-published titles till now.

Documents that came out during the trial note that Epic had been waiting for Sony to respond to their offer. However, there is not much more information regarding the deal between Sony and Epic. Whether or not an exclusivity deal to make these PC ports available only on the Epic Games Store was made is not known.


The documents also revealed that Epic Games had developed individual tactics to bring Nintendo and Microsoft to the Epic Games Store. Epic was apparently in “opening conversations with Microsoft”. However, the attempt to start discussions with Nintendo was described as a “moonshot”.

Microsoft also showed resistance to Epic as they saw Epic as competition in signing games. The Xbox Game Pass for PC head did also not like what Epic was attempting to do with its store.

The documents do not reveal what exactly was being discussed between Epic Games and the three gaming giants. But, Epic might have persuaded Sony to move toward bringing its first-party games to PC for the gaming audiences. Sony has made it clear within the last year that more of its first-party games will be arriving on the PC platform.

Horizon Zero Dawn™

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The post Epic To Sony: $200 Million For 4-6 PlayStation Games appeared first on Spiel Times.

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