
#How to Avoid Common Blogging Mistakes in 2024

We all are known with the term “Blogging”. Studies say that over 100 million people do blogging in India and only 4% means 4 million of them are earning from blogging. But what about the remaining percent of bloggers? Why are they not earning? Even though they are also putting efforts. Let us know about this more by scrolling.

“Blogging” What is blogging? Blogging is about writing your opinion, content, event, hobby or anything which can attract the readers and publish that content on any website. As we were talking about why the remaining percentage of bloggers which is 96% do not earn through blogging, let us talk about that.

The reason for the failure of blogging is not because of lack of effort, it is because of the mistakes bloggers make in their blogging without even knowing. How often we all hear that almost everyone loves to write, that’s why they start blogging and even if you also love to write then you should also do blogging. It is the best way to express your thoughts, but before starting your writing career, let us know about the common blogging mistakes that 96% of bloggers make. Here are some of them;

  • Not understanding audience
  • Writing diverse of topics
  • Decentralization of readers
  • Lack of frequency
  • Forgetting to optimize SEO
  • Weak headlines
  • Plagiarism
  • Not proofreading
  • Avoiding feedback

Scroll down and know deeply about these mistakes

List of 10 Blogging Mistakes & How to Fix Them

Make your blogs error free and rank them on top by following these 10 steps for your next blog content.

Not understanding audience

The very first step of writing a blog is to decide the targeted audience and understand what readers would love to read. Blogging is not only about just writing whatever you want to, it is more about writing what readers want to read.

You have to find the topics and the content readers will feel relatable to attract them otherwise your efforts will go in vain and no one will read your blogs. It’s not about writing blogs only. You have to ensure your blog is successfully targeting your audience, you need to fully understand how they behave and want online.

Writing diverse of topic

Bloggers try to write on too many topics. This is also the most common blogging mistakes they make but should avoid. Bloggers think it is more attractive to write on diverse topics and the idea of holding one topic is daunting, but in fact, getting stuck with one topic makes you more professional. Deciding the purpose for your blog is the most important task. Otherwise readers won’t know what to expect from your blog. 

Decentralization of readers

We all start writing blogs for expressing our thoughts, our feelings, just want to write about our opinion, that what we feel. But this is not what our readers want to read in real life. They do not want to read our opinions, they want to read the content which satisfies and comforts their soul.Every blog post you publish should always be centered around your readers.

Lack of frequency

If you are writing blogs then you need to keep it up. One of the biggest common blogging mistakes is to take a huge gap between writing the blogs one after another. You have to publish your blogs frequently enough to keep readers engaged and interested.

Forgetting to optimize SEO

Optimizing SEO means to improve your website ranking on search engines. It is basically for keeping your blogs non top rank for search engines so that a large number of readers can read your blogs. Blog don’t concentrate on optimizing SEO which leads to not getting ranked on google.

Weak headlines

The headlines or titles of your blog are the real hero of your content. Giving an inspiring and interested headline to attract readers is the best way to increase your views.


Getting references from renowned bloggers post is fine until and unless you dont copy them. Reading others blogs for ideas and inspiration is fine even if most of the bloggers do the same but copying someone’s content and not adding your own spin is a fraud.

Not proofreading

There are millions and trillions of blogs to be seen on the internet. To be unique and stand out from this crowd you need to be mistakes free and sharp to your content. These are the most common blogging mistakes to think that once I have finished writing my blog it’s over, but it’s not. You have to find your mistakes and grammatical errors for professionalism.

Avoiding feedback

Comment section is the most useful part of blogs. But bloggers underestimate their power. Getting feedback and then working on the mistakes, readers mentioned, is the best way to improve your writing.

Blog Content Strategy to Grow Your Business

A strong blog content marketing strategy should focus on a few key aspects to be successful. Here are some of the elements you can read:

Target audience

Understanding your readers is the main pillar for raising your views. Not targeting your reader is a common blogging mistake, mostly bloggers don’t care. Keeping their interests and online behavior in your mind is key to success. 

Goals and objectives

Before starting to write blogs firstly decide what you want to serve for readers through your content and set a goal for the measurement process.


Deducting where you stand and analyzing what you need to improve is the basic rule of gaining views and viewers.


Writing mistakes free and avoiding grammatical errors counts for professionalism. Proper use of punctuation marks and keeping the content easy to read. 


Keep promoting your blogs through Email marketing, leverage the social media account and outreach with the audience through influencers.


Interact with your viewers through the comment section, reply to their feedback and try to work on their feedback so that they feel more connected and encourage them to share their thoughts. These types of common blogging mistakes keep you away from ranking on the search engines.

Get paid to write

There are some of the best ways to become cash creation through content creation such as:


Promoting other companies, brands and selling their advertisements through your blogs and getting paid. Promoting other brands for free are common blogging mistakes bloggers make.


Promoting products through blogs can help you to earn commission from every sale which helps their product to grow and give them an amount of money. 


Create sponsored content with brands for sponsorship in the form of blog posts, video collaboration and reviews.


Provides paid subscription facility so that your viewers can watch your blogs before others. You can provide a community subscription and can charge for it. 

Online events

Bloggers underestimate the impact of online events that are one of the common blogging mistakes. Organizing online workshops and events and making them pay for attending the event can prove fruitful for you.


Now that you’re equipped with these blogging techniques and the common mistakes. it’s time to put them into action! Start brainstorming content ideas, refine your writing style, and get ready to share your voice with the world. Remember, consistency is key to building a successful blog, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t see results overnight. Keep creating valuable content, engage with your audience, and watch your blog flourish.”

by Gigde Global

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