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#Blindspot season 5 episode 5 sneak peek: Jane’s life on the line

#Blindspot season 5 episode 5 sneak peek: Jane’s life on the line

BlindspotAs you prepare for Blindspot season 5 episode 5 on NBC tonight, there are a few different things to know. Take, for example, the crises that are at the center of everything for Jane and Weller.

Entering this episode, what we know is that Weller has been taken! His life is on the line at the moment, especially since he’s never going to give up the information that the evil-doers want. After all, we know that Madeline wants the entire team dismantled and destroyed. We also know that they’re probably going to do whatever they can to ensure that Weller talks.

For some more news on Blindspot in video form, be sure to check out some of the latest below! Once you do that, remember to also subscribe to CarterMatt on YouTube and then view our full show playlist. We’ll have another video discussion tonight!

In the sneak peek below (per SpoilerTV), you get a better sense of the stakes back at the rest of the team’s temporary home base. Jane wants to do what she can in order to ensure that Weller is found, and she feels 100% as though he is the priority. She is saying that even with the knowledge that she was recently shot — and there’s no guarantee that she will survive what she’s going through either. She collapses in the preview, and she thinks that there is one way that she is going to be saved: Surgery.

Here is the problem at the moment — Patterson and Rich Dotcom are not doctors. Neither is Tasha. None of them are altogether qualified to operate on their friend and yet, neither of them have that much of a choice. If they want Jane to live, they have to do whatever they can in order to scramble and help her. This is really the only hope that they have.

Related News – Be sure to get some additional information when it comes to Blindspot and what lies ahead

What do you most want to see when it comes to Blindspot season 5 episode 5?

Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! Meanwhile, remember to stick around for some other news on the series. (Photo: NBC.)


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