#Blindspot season 5 episode 5 promo: Will Weller survive his torture?
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“Blindspot season 5 episode 5 promo: Will Weller survive his torture?”
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Is he going to be able to withstand that? For now, we should note that we aren’t extremely worried about his future, even if we should be. One of the reasons why is simply because we’ve seen this character go through so much already. He’s gone through near-death situations, heartbreak, and all of the assorted highs and lows that come with going out there and doing this job.
Also, we should go ahead and note this: It’s hard to imagine Sullivan Stapleton leaving this show before the finale. The same goes Jaimie Alexander, as Jane is also facing some life-or-death circumstances within this episode. The character has been shot! Luckily, it was in a spot that she should be able to survive, but that doesn’t mean that life in the near future is going to be easy. She’s gotta recover and then alongside that, find a way to help out Kurt!
Also, let’s not forget that the team is kinda shorthanded at the moment. Neither Patterson nor Rich Dotcom specialize in heading out and taking out threats in the field, and while Zapata is still capable, she may be reeling still from losing Reade. Her pregnancy didn’t seem to change how she felt in the field on this past episode, so that may not have an immediate role in the story for the time being.
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