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#American Gods season 3 episode 9 spoilers: The last before finale

#American Gods season 3 episode 9 spoilers: The last before finale

American GodsAmerican Gods season 3 episode 9 is set to arrive on Starz next week, and we don’t have to tell you this one is big. It’s the final episode of the season before the finale, and for Laura in particular, she’s inching closer to accomplishing her goal.

Could she actually kill Mr. Wednesday? We know that at this point, she’s closer than ever to making it happen. She is now in possession of Odin’s spear, which gives her at least the means to go about doing it. (That thing is the same size as her, so using it as a weapon is probably not going to be the easiest thing in the world to do.) We also know, based on the promo, that she is going to have an opportunity to take him out. She’s confronting him, ready and willing to do whatever she has to do.

Will she be successful? That’s where things are up for debate. Take the source material out of the picture for a moment and remember that penultimate episodes are when major networks like to unleash some of their big stuff. This is often when we get characters killed off and other things twist and turn in all directions. We wouldn’t be shocked if we lost a major character next week, and that sets off a chain of events that will go into yet another gear in the finale.

As for what else will be happening over the course of this episode, we have a feeling that there’s some big stuff coming for Shadow. He’s done his best to create a new life for himself as of late, but we all know that most everything in his life eventually falls apart.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to American Gods right now

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