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#Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 3: What’s wrong with Coulson?

#Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 3: What’s wrong with Coulson?

Agents of SHIELD

Agents of SHIELDThe moment that Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 3 came to a close, there was one thing that we knew — this episode was a blast.

From the moment that we saw Jemma Simmons undercover as Agent Peggy Carter, how did you think this was going to be anything less than awesome? From start to finish, there was good stuff going on here as SHIELD had to find a way to outsmart effectively a former version of itself in order to complete its next step in stopping the Chronicom invasion. That wasn’t easy, especially when you are in a world that features Agent Sousa and a part of the Agent Carter world. The infiltration was pretty dramatic and yet, in the end, we at least saw a few team-ups in order to stop a potential uprising.

Basically, we’ve seen multiple attempts now by the Chronicoms that the team has been able to stop. We also saw some self-destructions when the SHIELD team won in the end. Good times, no? Well, there was a happy ending for everyone for the time being. Just think about what we saw with Coulson at the end of the episode. What’s going to happen to him? Given that this is an LMD version and we’ve seen bad things happen with this show and LMDs before … yea, it does feel like anything is possible.

Aside from the main story, we loved the episode for the little moments. Think in terms of Coulson and Daisy / Mack and Yo-Yo at the diner, or seeing Daisy be instructive to Deke about his own ignorance.

Related News – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to Agents of SHIELD right now

What did you think about Agents of SHIELD season 7 episode 3 overall?

Be sure to share right now in the comments! Meanwhile, be sure to stick around to get some more information when it comes to the series. (Photo: ABC.)


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