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#Is Joseph Fiennes leaving The Handmaid’s Tale; is Fred Waterford dead?

#Is Joseph Fiennes leaving The Handmaid’s Tale; is Fred Waterford dead?

Fred WaterfordFollowing the events of The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 finale, is Joseph Fiennes leaving the show, and his role of Fred Waterford? As you would imagine, we have a lot to talk through here.

Let’s begin with this: It’s hard to imagine more of Fiennes in the present-day action of the story. Fred is dead. There’s no other real way to interpret that pivotal moment with June and the other women enacting their revenge on someone who has been a monster through much of the show’s run. He assaulted and tormented June during her stay there, and he also underestimated her routinely. June used her political and social know-how to get what she needed after Mark and the justice system let her down.

For more discussion of The Handmaid’s Tale in video form, be sure to watch the latest at the bottom of this paragraph! After you check that out, remember to subscribe to Matt & Jess on YouTube! That is where we have reviews for the entirety of the season.

The demise of Fred will end up shaking up the show in a major way. It leaves Serena in a more uncertain position moving forward, one where we’re left to wonder further what her role will be in the story. It also has us contemplating what the future will hold for Gilead itself. While June may have removed Fred from the equation, at the same time there is a whole society to still take on. There is a larger purpose here that could be explored further in season 5, which we hope to have more news on in due time.

So for now, let’s tip a cap to Fiennes, who played a despicable role with as much power and passion as he could muster. We’re very curious to see what lies ahead for him next.

Related – Be sure to get some more news when it comes to The Handmaid’s Tale right now

What did you think about the events of The Handmaid’s Tale season 4 finale?

Are you shocked that this happened to Fred at this particular moment, and do you think it is the right send-off? Be sure to share right now in the attached comments! After you do that, remember to stick around for some other updates. (Photo: Hulu.)

This article was written by Jess Carter. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.

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