#8 ‘Supernatural’ Episodes to Relive Sam & Dean’s Complicated Relationship With God
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“8 ‘Supernatural’ Episodes to Relive Sam & Dean’s Complicated Relationship With God”
Michael Courtney/The CW; The CW; Katie Yu/The CW
But the Winchesters once counted God — then going by Chuck, in the guise of a prophet — as an ally. Theirs has been a complicated relationship over the years, and while we wait to see how it all ends, we’re looking back at how it started and the journey along the way below.
Supernatural, Final Episodes, Fall 2020, The CW
Michael Courtney/The CW
“The Monster at the End of This Book” (Season 4, Episode 18)
Life was a lot less complicated for the Winchesters (and the show) back when they thought Chuck was just an author whose books about their lives were made possible by the visions he had as a prophet.
David Gray/The CW
“The Real Ghostbusters” (Season 5, Episode 9)
While Chuck was still hiding the fact that he is God, he continued publishing the books about the hunters’ lives and attended fan conventions. And when his girlfriend (and major Sam fan) Becky (Emily Perkins) noted vital information about the supernatural gun, the Colt, in one of the books, Chuck claimed he didn’t remember.
The CW
“Swan Song” (Season 5, Episode 22)
This was the episode that heavily foreshadowed the revelation still to come, as Chuck finished writing his latest manuscript … only to disappear.
Katie Yu/The CW
“Don’t Call Me Shurley” (Season 11, Episode 20)
Easily the most important episode when it comes to God, this episode confirmed the popular fan theory that Chuck isn’t just another one of the prophets. Instead, he revealed his true self to his scribe Metatron (Curtis Armstrong) and, eventually, at the end of the episode, to Sam and Dean.
Katie Yu/The CW
“All in the Family” (Season 11, Episode 21)
This episode goes hand in hand with the one before it, as Sam and Dean have the first of several conversations that were years in the making with God about where he’s been and staying out of the fight.
The CW
“Moriah” (Season 14, Episode 20)
This one explains it all when it comes to God being the Big Bad of the final season. Long story short, the brothers refused to kill Jack to stop the threat he posed to the world in God’s eyes. All parties turned on one another, until God decided to just unleash hell (as in the souls from hell) and welcome them to “the end.”
Colin Bentley/The CW
“The Trap” (Season 15, Episode 9)
Chuck’s reign of terror continued in the first part of the final season as he tortured Sam with visions of what the future would look like without God. Among them is one where Sam and Dean become vampires and have to be stopped by allies Jody (Kim Rhodes) and Bobby (Jim Beaver). Talk about dark! But the worst part is he made fellow hunter and Sam’s love interest Eileen (Shoshannah Stern) cut into him.
The CW
“Galaxy Brain” (Season 15, Episode 12)
Though God had created multiple other worlds (with other Sams and Deans, even), he became fixated on this one and these two. In one of the last episodes to be completed on the season, he revealed to a poor unsuspecting Radio Shed employee why “those other toys don’t spark joy” like “the real Sam and Dean do” for him.
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